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Chiropractic Central Fees

Losing anything, especially your health, will require an investment of your time and money to recover it. Rest assured that our fees are competitive with other offices in the Lethbridge area. Once we have an opportunity to evaluate your case, we’ll explain what we’ve found and what we think it will take for you to get well, and just as important, to stay well.

Adult University/
Seniors Children
Initial Examination $80 $65 $65 $65
Regular Visit $50 $35 $35 $25
X-Rays If required* If required* If required* If required*

*We refer patients to a local radiology clinic

Financial Policy

We are committed to providing you with the best chiropractic care possible in a caring environment and have established our financial policies to achieve that goal. You will be expected to pay for your chiropractic care at the time the service is rendered, unless prior arrangements have been made.

Health Insurance:

There are many different types of health insurance. If your plan allows our office to directly bill your insurance company, Tammy would be more than happy to do so once you have provided them with all the necessary information (i.e. insurance forms, signatures, policy numbers etc.). If you have insurance that covers chiropractic, but requires you to pay and then be reimbursed, we will provide you with computer printed receipts to send to your company whenever you would like them.

If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, a series of chiropractic treatments may be fully covered by your motor vehicle insurance company. Be sure to notify our staff if your injury is the result of such an accident.

Please note that you are ultimately responsible for your balance should your insurance company not pay for any portion of your care.

To schedule an appointment, contact our clinic today.

Chiropractic Central Fees | (403) 329-0922